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Name:Cocoa Meringue Contributor:Lee Hart
Description:Part of Death By Chocolate Posted:1999-10-24
Key words:chocolate Category:Desserts
ID:371 Updated:2005-11-26 14:42:23
Ingredients:4 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp salt
1-1/4 c granulated sugar, divided
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa, sifted
1 Tbsp cornstarch
Preparation:Preheat oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

Using a 9-inch cake circle as a guide, trace a circle with a pencil on a sheet of parchment paper cut to fit a baking sheet. Turn the paper over and, with trace mark down, place on a baking sheet.

To prepare the cocoa meringue, place egg whites, the cream of tartar, and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a balloon whip. Whisk on high until soft peaks form, about 45 to 50 seconds. Gradually add 1 cup sugar while continuing to whisk on high. Whisk until stiff, about 1-1/2 minutes. Remove the bowl from the mixer and use a rubber spatula to fold in and thoroughly combine the remaining 1/4 cup sugar, cocoa and cornstarch.

Fill a pastry bag (with no tip) with the cocoa meringue.

Fill the traced parchment circle with meringue: start in the center and pipe a 3/4" wide spiral towards the outside of the circle.

Place the meringue in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for 2 hours and 24 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 45 minutes before handling.

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