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Name:Grilled Curried Chicken Contributor:Martin Golding
Description:Grilled curried chicken - low carb Posted:2003-07-14
Key words:chicken, pork chops, grilled, low carb Category:Main Dishes
ID:483 Updated:2005-11-28 00:37:10
Ingredients:meat (chicken limbs (thighs or boned breasts for preference), pork chops)
2 tsp black peppercorns (I'd prefer Sarawak for the aromatics, but we're out)
1/2 tsp Penzey's vindaloo curry powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic
oil to make a spreadable paste
Preparation:Powder the peppercorns, add curry powder, salt, and garlic, and whizz
to a smooth paste. (We have a Sumeet, a spice powderer of Indian origin.
The rest of you may have to use a mortar and pestle.)

Thin with oil (or vinegar, or both) until it's spreadable. Massage into
meat, allow to penetrate for a while (not more than an hour if you used
vinegar, it makes the chicken fluffy).

Grill, broil, or bake, as you prefer.

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