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Name:Polpettes Contributor:Brian D.Williams
Description:Mexican style potato cakes Posted:2005-12-22
Key words:Mexican, potato Category:Side Dishes
ID:704 Updated:2006-04-02 20:13:39
Ingredients:1-1/4 lb potatoes
4 oz feta cheese
4 green onions, chopped
3 tbsp chopped fresh dill
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp lemon juice
flour for dredging
3 tbsp olive oil
salt/ground pepper (I blend green, white and black peppercorns)
Preparation:Boil the potatoes in their skins until soft. Drain and peel them, then mash them in a bowl. Crumble the feta cheese and add the onions, dill, egg and lemon juice, mixing them evenly into the potatoes. Cover the mixture and toss it in the fridge to chill.

Divide the mixture into golf ball sized balls, flatten them slightly, dredge them in flour, and fry them in olive oil.
Notes:This is a real bonehead simple recipe that is also seen in Mexican cuisine, at least around Jalisco.

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