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Name:The Old Post Office Grits Contributor:Stephen Wilcox
Description:Classic rich grits Posted:2006-06-23
Key words:Grits Category:Side Dishes
ID:787 Updated:2006-11-15 10:13:26
Ingredients: 3 c milk
3 c water
1/4 c butter
1 c grits
1 c cream
1 Tbsp salt
Preparation:Combine the milk, water, and butter in a heavy saucepan.
Bring to a boil over medium heat.
Add the grits. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
Reduce the heat to low. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until thick, stirring occasionally.
Add the cream and salt.
Cook for 10 to 15 minutes longer or until of the desired consistency.
Notes: A while back I wrote a restaurant review of the Old Post Office,
a long way from the west coast but a memorable enough meal to
warrant trying to describe. I got a letter from Ma yesterday with
a copy of their grits recipe. Turns out dad snuck back and bought
her a bag of the grits with the recipe. Pretty simple, and rich. Be
sure accompany with wine and to follow up with a Chocolate desert to
balance out the health effects. :)
Probably best with their grind of grits, but what the hey. Without
further introduction...

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